Dig It - 5/26/22
Dig It!
This is a parfleche, which in this case is an envelope made out rawhide. The word “Parfleche” comes from the French “to turn arrows” - the origin being that Plains and Prairie tribes primarily used buffalo rawhide as shields. The word parfleche was later expanded to mean any rawhide container.
These parfleche containers were often decorated with natural and trade pigments. When applied while the hide is still wet or green the pigments absorb into the surface of the hide and give the decoration a wonderful waxy, crayon like appearance. The bold color fields of the designs have attracted many into collecting these once utilitarian objects and hanging them on the wall as Art. Yes, what was once the Samsonite of the Plains is now the Louis Vuitton of the gallery wall. So get Hip, fellow seeker and put one of these pieces of art on your wall. Seek Out!
Crow Parflche, circa 1880, Ex. Paul Dyke Collection