Dig It - 7/22/24

Hello Fellow Seekers! Why don’t we take a look at a Male Warrior Doll from the late 19th century. I am going to keep my identification of this doll somewhat superficial, and say Central Plains which includes the Cheyenne, Lakota and Arapaho. The flared leggings were worn by the Cheyenne, but also Lakota and Arapaho, so that is no specific tribal identity. The beadwork on his leggings, shirt, and double ended pouch is not very elaborate and I don’t get any specific tribal hit off them either.

Over the years I have only had four or five male dolls with shields and the design on the outer cover of this shield does not suggest any specific tribal affiliation. I am not brave enough to do it myself, but the future owner of this doll can take off the cover and see if the rawhide disc has an image on it. Well Seekers, this one of the best dolls I have ever had for sale. He is 16” tall, and handsome, brave, bold and rare. That's about the size of it Seekers. Farewell until our paths cross again.
