Dig It - 7/18/2

Once again Old Lonesome is lucky to have such a great early squash blossom necklace. These things are really rare and hard to find. This one is all original and even has the former owner’s Hubbell glass ear bobs.

Lorenzo Hubbell ran a trading post at Ganado, AZ in the late 19th and early 20th century. He imported blue glass in imitation of turquoise to sell to the Navajo. The scale of the necklace is quite petite, not child’s size but diminutive. The terminals of the naja, or pendent, at the bottom of the necklace end in little finger-like elements, which almost look like hands, but are probably foliate or leaf-like elements. This could date to the end of the 19th century, but assuredly the beginning of the 20th.

Well Fellow Seekers this is a wonderful, early, all-silver, smaller-sized Squash Blossom necklace! Yippy Tie One On! -Lonesome

SilverToby Herbst