Dig It - 4/18/24

Once again, Hello to the Seeker inside everyone of us! Today, we are going to look at a doll of a Central Plains Warrior, either Cheyenne or Lakota. This is a pretty early doll, my guess is 1880 or earlier as the hair appears to be Buffalo beard. It is 11” tall and has had no restoration. I posted this doll years ago, sold him, and just got him back.

I believe many dolls were made in pairs and when they were brought back East, the female doll was given to a girl and the male to a boy. Now, boys tend to play rougher than girls; therefore, fewer male dolls have survived. I’m not sure my theory will be that popular in todays gender hyper sensitivity, but it is only a theory. Anyway, this is a wonderful early Plains Indian Male doll and he is available for sale. Keep your eyes on the Horizon.
