Dig It - 1/4/24

Hello Fellow Seekers, I have been trying to put the word out for a year now, just how wonderful these parfleche envelopes are, but I seem to be a “Voice Crying In The Wilderness.” Take heed Fellow Seekers, “Get Hip and Dig This!”

This envelope is from the Plateau tribes, possibly Yakama and dates from 1890-1900.

Look at the design, the graphics, and the colors and tell me it is not wonderful. It is Strong. It is Bold. It is Dynamic! Just one, can hold an entire wall. But don’t stop there! How about a whole wall of these envelopes? Now that would be a Statement.

Alright, that is more than enough preaching for a week of Sundays, but one more thing…Fellow Seekers, these parfleche envelopes are Very, Very Affordable Great Art! Seek Out. - Lonesome.

ParflecheToby Herbst