Dig It - 1/11/24

The Sound of Thunder.

Howdy Fellow Seekers! Whats that? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of thundering hoofs. What a sound that must have been! Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of American Bison thundering over the plains.

This drum is from the northern plains, probably Blackfoot. Drums like this were used to call the buffalo and, after the hunt, to accompany the songs that praised and thanked the buffalo. The drawing of the buffalo on the drum is very simple yet powerful. The drawing reminds me of some of the European Bison depicted on cave walls by the Upper Paleolithic Magdalenian People of France and Spain some 17,000 years ago. They too were hunters of megafauna like the Native Americans of the Western Plains. They valued and honored these animals which were their major source of food, clothing and shelter.

This drum still has its voice as well as its beauty. It is 14.5” in diameter and 3” deep, and is currently for sale. Adios! -Lonesome

DrumToby Herbst