Dig It - 11/2/23

Dig It! Today we have a real treat Fellow Seekers. We are going to look at a beautiful, Southern Plains “Strike-a-Light”. It is probably Kiowa, though it is a little unusual. It is late 19th century, and all intact! These little beauties were one of the first types of Plains Indian Beadwork that attracted me, like a moth to a flame. They were packed so full of beauty and energy, I was mesmerized. Want to try an interesting experiment, Seekers? Hang one of these little pouches on a blank wall and see how it can command the whole wall. Pretty Powerful Art to be sure. That about does it for today. Watch your Top Knot and keep your powder dry. -Lonesome

P.S. These little pouches were made to carry steel, flint and tinder to start fires, hence the name.

BeadworkToby Herbst