Dig It - 8/19/24
Well all righty then Fellow Seekers, for all of you out there who have searched and found an arrowhead or some other prehistoric stone tool, this one is for you. This is known as an eccentric flint. It is Mayan and probably dates to around A.D. 800. You can see it is a profile of a god with a fancy pompadour or headdress, a sloping forehead, a prominent nose and an open mouth. On the left side is an up raised hand with what are possibly belt yokes below. On the right side we have what are perhaps feathered bustles.
These eccentric flints were placed as Caches for consecrating temples, buildings, alters, and stelae. This piece is razor thin and certainly shows the amazing skills of Mayan flint knappers!
Keep searching Fellow Seekers! - Lonesome