Dig It - 8/1/24

Hello Fellow Seekers! I think this maybe the first digital “Pile O Bracelets” shot, taken just after I got a computer about 16 years ago. Before then, I had everything shot as transparencies. Now transparencies are very cool. They are a positive and you look at them like you are looking through a stained glass window. The problem is I don’t know how to put them on a computer. Almost all of those early shots are in old issues of American Indian Art, starting in 1989. Back then people would call up and asking, "How much is the bracelet, second row, third in from the left?". It was a lot of fun back then. But now we are in, what was thought of back then as, the future, and time is still passing me by.

In this shot there are at least four bracelets that date from the late 19th century to the first decade of the 20th century. The simple flattened bangle (top, back) is probably the oldest and came out of an old Mennonite museum. The cuff underneath it, with the double rows of X's, shows just how talented and precise those early Silversmiths were. That is a darn good looking “Pile O Bracelets”. 

Well, this is Old Lonesome reminding you Seekers that you just never know what is around the next Bend. See you on the Fun Way!

Silver, TurquoiseToby Herbst