Dig It - 12/9/24

Well Fellow Seekers, a bunch of great jewelry came out this summer. Perhaps it was because the prices were so high that people who had it, decided to sell. All I know is that it was available - expensive - but available. I took advantage and bought some really nice pieces like this one.

My guess is that this bracelet dates to the early 20th century. It is definitely in a classic, late-19th century style, but is a little too slick and sophisticated to be from that very early period. Although, I will bet you it is pre-1920. It really has a nice crisp, clean feeling about the design. It is 6.25” from terminal to terminal and a slightly over 1” gap. You want it. I’ve got it. Let’s make a deal. -Lonesome

Silver, TurquoiseToby Herbst