Dig It - 11/23/22

“High-grade” - that’s what us old Prospectors did back in the day. Fellow Seekers, this is an incredible opportunity for you to get a piece of someone’s Stash of High-grade. This was part of a friend's stash, over 40 years in the making. We have turquoise from Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada. This is American Turquoise mined right here in the Good Old USA. None of that foreign, treated or stabilized junk. These rocks are pure as the driven snow. And they ain't little trashy pieces, No Sir! The biggest piece is 2.5” and the smallest 1.25”. Now Dig This - Each pin has either an 18 or 14 carat gold bezel and a sterling silver back. Wear your pin proudly on a coat or sports jacket and you will say, "I’m proud to be an American, who knows and loves great American Turquoise!"

Jewelry, TurquoiseToby Herbst