Dig It - 9/2/22

Well Hello Fellow Seekers!

Summer is waning, and I survived yet another Indian Market, my 36th I believe and they don’t get any easier. For a celebration, Old Lonesome thought he would pull out a treasure from the past, Dag Nabbit! 

Yes, Fellow Seekers, Navajo bracelets can be this good. Remember in the movie, Spinal Tap, when Nigel said, “This amp goes up to 11”, well, so does this bracelet. One can clearly see the level of craftsmanship Navajo silversmiths were capable of in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Whoever this smith was, he was a Master innovator, going far beyond what was traditional design at the time. This bracelet came out of the collection of Cornelia Thompson (see my post from March 15, 2022).

Who was this master Silversmith? There were enough collectors and Anthropologists running around at the time that it would be unusual that someone did not single out and mention a Silversmith this special. If anyone has gone through the old journals and collection inventories and has any information on this guy, please let the Old Prospector know. Well, that about wraps it up for me, time to pack up my old Burro, Jezebel, and mosey on outta here.  Yippee Ki-Yay, Little Buckaroos and Fellow Seekers! 

JewelryToby Herbst