Dig It - 11/17/22

Well Seekers, today’s Adventure is entitled, "Back to the Vault” because that is where we are heading. Lonesome had to go back to the archive mine to get this one. I bought this necklace, well it must have been back 20 years ago, in the distant past. It is one of only a handful - I’m not exaggerating - only one of 4 authentic, indisputable, genuine, bet-your-life-on-it, Hand Naja necklaces that I have owned. It had the original wraps and was bought from Rex Arrowsmith back in the 1960s.

Thing is Seekers, I had this priced at almost Nothing when I took it to the old Whitehawk show and there was little interest in it. Back then, there weren’t many collectors of necklaces. Well, Fall came and went, and Winter was a coming on and I needed a grub steak to get me through those hard, cold times ahead. I ended up selling the necklace to a real Sidewinder who never did fully pay me what he owed me. It were a sad state of affairs. Boy, I wish I’da toughed it out and kept that necklace.

Anyway, that is about the size of it. No use wasting time regretting the past. It does show that if you find a nugget of Gold, don’t get desperate and be a Fool by selling it short to a low-down Sidewinder. Fool’s Gold, something to remember Fellow Seekers.

Jewelry, SilverDavid Ezziddine